In the future, Elucidations will highlight some of the best and brightest indie cover artists we find around the net. In the meantime, since I’ve just added to my cover art pages with new designs, I thought I’d sneak in and do a quick preview of what I’ve been doing with my own original photos and artwork.This is from a combination of two photos I took, both in Scotland. I wanted an old feel to it, so I played with coloring and effects and came up with Arch and Sea.
So far unpurchased, it would make a great cover for historicals!
(I take them down and replace them with new designs once they’re purchased.")
This is a photo from my own area, here in western Pennsylvania. Again, I cropped the photo for the right angle and then played with color and brightness.
This could be a literary cover, or even a mystery/suspense grabber.Write Young Adult?
This one is a computer art graphic.
Interested in the same couple but a different colored background for a different feel? Let me know. I gladly make small changes.
I don’t do a lot of people, but now and then I’ll get an itch…
I love sunflowers.
This is acrylic on canvas, plus some contrast and light play.
I wish I could show these full size. They do look far nicer than these thumbnail examples.This one is watercolor. I may have to add a closer up image here. Let’s see…
The covers from photos are $9.95, free of text so you can add your own. The artwork photos range from $14.95 to $29.95, depending on how much time I put into them.
Please check my DESIGN page for details and usage permission, and to see what else I have posted. More are waiting to be added and they may rotate. Please note there are two pages of designs, one with photo covers and one with art covers.
Interested in something more personalized? Let me know. I don’t do photos of people or anything racy or too gory, and sci fi is not my strong point. I can also do full wraparound covers for prints. Contact me for a quote.
I can also design bookmarks to match these covers for your advertising purposes.
In the meantime… back to writing!
LK Hunsaker